10 Best CRM Software of 2022 (Compared)

best crm software compared

A great customer relationship management (CRM) platform can help you organize your company's sales and customer data. Not only does that help streamline and enhance the customer experience, but it also provides valuable insights about your business and customers. By knowing how people interact with your brand you can more easily target them with personalized campaigns based on their interests, needs, and purchase history. CRM software centralizes all this information so it’s readily available whenever you need it—plus many platforms come with useful features like analytics tools to gain a deeper understanding of your customers. There are dozens of options out there, so we’ve taken the time to review some of the most popular choices to help find the right one for you.

What is the Best CRM Software?

HubSpot CRMFree

HubSpot CRM is a comprehensive marketing automation platform that helps you convert leads into customers. It's a great option for businesses of all sizes, and it helps you create a customer-centric marketing strategy.

You can use HubSpot CRM to track your sales pipeline, manage lead generation campaigns, send email newsletters and optimize social media posts. The software also comes with an analytics dashboard so you can easily track your data across multiple channels at once. This saves time so you can spend more time working on the things that matter most: creating better content and increasing sales opportunities through effective targeting techniques (i.e., ad copy).

In addition to its robust features for small businesses, HubSpot CRM has also been optimized for large enterprises who need more advanced functionality such as predictive intelligence tools or predictive analytics software integration options such as Amazon Web Services (AWS) machine learning services like Amazon SageMaker or Azure Machine Learning Studio among others which enables developers/data scientists to build complex models without writing code by hand.”


If you're running a small business and don't have the resources to hire an outside agency, ActiveCampaign is a great option for you. It's easy to use and has all the features of the big boys at a fraction of the cost. Plus, it has impressive integrations with other apps (including Zapier).

If your team is spread out across multiple offices or time zones, ActiveCampaign can help keep everyone on the same page by allowing them to access their data from anywhere. And if one member of your team needs more control over what goes into their email templates than another does—it doesn't matter! You can customize permissions for each user so they only see what works best for them.

ActiveCampaign also offers plenty of ways to stay organized without having too many tools running at once: You can create campaigns that send automated messages based on conditions such as time intervals or specific events happening in your business; create drip campaigns where new leads get more information over time until they convert; set up workflows so certain emails are sent only when certain criteria are met (e.g., somebody signs up for a webinar); split test different subject lines and content against one another; track conversions across multiple channels using their integration with Google Analytics; set up triggers based off of specific events happening within your company like orders being placed or changes being made on our website

Zoho CRM

If you’re looking for great CRM software that comes with all the bells and whistles, Zoho CRM is your best bet. This powerful tool offers an intuitive UI, which makes it easy to use even for beginners. It also has a mobile app so you can access your data from anywhere, making it ideal for small businesses that need to collaborate on projects on the go.

Zoho CRM is free for up to 10 users and it includes plenty of features such as lead scoring and social media integration (in fact, they were one of the first companies in this space). If you want more advanced options like email marketing automation or live chat support—or if you have more than 10 people in your team—there are paid plans starting at $10 per month per user.

The support team at Zoho is top-notch; they answer questions quickly and help with any technical issues that come up during setup or usage. Their customer service team has won several awards over the years including being listed among Gartner's “Cool Vendors” four times since 2009!


We’re sure you’ve heard of Salesforce. It’s one of the most popular CRM software options on the market, and for good reason: it has a ton of features, a great user interface, and an excellent support team.

Salesforce is also great for small businesses looking to track their sales data in an easy-to-use way. The pricing model is simple and affordable enough that even small startups can use it without breaking the bank (which is often not true with other CRMs).


Freshsales is a simple CRM that helps you close more deals. It's easy to use, affordable and good for small businesses and sales teams of all sizes. It's particularly useful for B2B companies looking for a straightforward way to manage their pipeline, leads, and deals.

It also comes with a lot of integrations (including Salesforce, Google Analytics, MailChimp, and Zapier) so that you can easily add the data from your other tools into Freshsales' dashboard.


Pipedrive is a sales management tool that helps companies manage their sales pipelines. Pipedrive is a cloud-based solution, which means it can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection. This makes it ideal for small businesses that don’t have an in-house IT department or don't want to invest in expensive software licenses.

Pipedrive is also known as a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) and SFA (Sales Force Automation) tool because of its ability to integrate with other systems and automate tedious tasks like lead generation or scheduling follow ups with potential clients.


Copper is a CRM for sales teams, built with the small business owner in mind. It helps you manage your leads and convert them into customers.

The feature that makes Copper unique from other CRMs is its messaging system—it lets you send text messages to customers (and non-customers) through the platform, so that you can follow up without having to enter data manually.

Copper’s pricing starts at $19/month for one user plus $0/month for each additional user; paid plans are available as well (up to 25 users). The free version limits you to adding five records at a time, but it still has some useful features if you're just starting out with CRMs or don't need much help managing your contacts.

Streak CRM for Gmail

Streak is a CRM that integrates with Gmail and Google Apps (the suite of tools used by businesses). It's cloud-based, so you don't need to install anything on your computer or buy any software. You can also use it for free, which is something that no other CRM system on this list offers—but there are some limitations to the free version of Streak that may prevent it from being ideal for you.

If you're familiar with Gmail or have already used its extensions (such as those for productivity apps like Boomerang or Rapportive), you'll be able to quickly jump into Streak and begin using it right away. It will take only a few seconds before Streak starts managing all of your Gmail accounts under one roof so they're easy to keep track of; once installed, all new emails will automatically create tasks related directly back to the message itself—no more forgetting about important messages because they weren't labeled properly!

Insightly CRM

Insightly CRM software lets you manage your sales pipeline and customer relationships. It is a cloud-based platform that can be used by individuals or teams.

Insightly’s main features include:

Account management. You can easily create, update and maintain accounts on Insightly CRM. The account manager helps you track activities such as invoicing and payment, contracts, estimates and even social media channels in one place.

Sales pipeline management. Insightly has a powerful workflow tool that allows users to organize leads into different stages of the sales process according to the specific needs of their businesses (i.e., “pending approval”). Users can also assign tasks to colleagues who are responsible for following up with prospects on any given day so that everyone stays informed about what's going on at all times!

Agile CRM

Agile CRM is a customer relationship management (CRM) software that helps you to manage your business’s customer relationships. It’s a cloud-based solution that is available on the web and on mobile devices. The software can be used for small businesses or large enterprises, allowing them to integrate their email marketing, social media and sales efforts with detailed information about their customers.

Agile CRM offers three different pricing plans: Starter, Professional and Enterprise — all of which come with various features for managing multiple contacts in a single system.

Great options to manage your customer relationships.

There are many great options for software programs that help manage your customer relationships. CRM software is a great tool for managing customer relationships, as it can help you stay on top of your contacts and keep track of all the information they provide you. It also helps salespeople to get more sales, by helping them get organized so they don't miss important opportunities.

Furthermore, CRM software can be used to improve customer experience by giving customers access to whatever information they need about their orders or other interactions with the company. This makes it easier for customers to do business with us because we know exactly what's going on in real-time! Finally, CRM software saves time by organizing all this information into one place where it's easy for everyone involved in the process – including our clients themselves!


Customer relationship management (CRM) software can be a real game-changer for businesses, no matter their size. It allows you to build and maintain relationships with your customers and helps you organize all the information about them in one central place. This article has covered some of our top picks for the best CRM software on the market today, but there are many more excellent options out there to choose from.

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