How to Make Money on YouTube

How to Make Money on Youtube

Once upon a time, people used to hear the word “YouTube” and think that it was just for funny cat videos. But now, if you haven't heard of YouTube, then maybe you've missed out on some other great things in life—like learning how to do cool stuff like build a house or make a car into a submarine.

And while it's true that many people use the site to share their pet's antics or teach others how to cook an omelet, there are many opportunities for earning money from your own YouTube channel too!

Post great content.

Posting great content is the foundation of your YouTube channel. It's not just about the number of subscribers you have or the views on your videos—it's about creating high-quality videos that people want to watch, and then posting those consistently on a regular schedule. To create great content:

Focus on making high-quality videos that people want to watch.

This might be how-to tutorials, reviews of products that interest you, behind-the-scenes footage from events where you're performing or traveling (as long as it's not too personal or revealing), short sketches about current events or trending topics (so long as they're funny), etc. You get it – the more unique and interesting your idea is, the better!

Be consistent with posting schedules

Being consistent makes sure people know when they can check back for updates from you every week/month/year/whatever works best for them. If possible try having a theme each month where all posts relate in some way (e.g., self-care month) so there's some consistency throughout each month even if it changes up between posts themselves.”

Build your audience.

Building an audience is one of the most important steps to making money on YouTube. If you already have a large audience, you can begin to monetize your content and start earning money right away.

If you're just starting out, it's still possible for you to build an engaged community around your channel and monetize your videos later on. Just keep in mind that building an audience takes time: it could take anywhere from six months up to two years before you see any sort of meaningful results from this aspect of growing your channel.

Monetize your channel

To make money on YouTube, you need to have a Google AdSense account. If you don’t already have one, learn how to set up an AdSense account here. Once you’re approved for monetization, it can take about two weeks for the system to activate and allow ads on your videos. In the meantime, there are some other ways that can help get some cash in your pocket sooner:

Create branded content (videos sponsored by brands)

This method will likely earn less than if you were running advertisements on your videos but is still viable option when starting out because it doesn't require much time or energy. If a brand approaches you with an offer to create branded content, they usually ask for exclusivity so make sure before signing any agreement that you understand exactly what this means and what rights they have over your video once published.

Use Patreon

A great way to make money off of YouTube as long as there's enough demand from fans willing to pay for whatever service/goods offered by creator; however this may not be sustainable long-term unless there are many people interested in being patrons at once.

Sell merchandise

Another smart way of profiting off of video creation is since shirts etcetera cost nothing upfront but could generate decent revenue from sales if successful.

You can still make money on YouTube without having a multi-million dollar channel.

There are some common misconceptions about who can make money on YouTube and how much you have to have in order to do so, but the truth is that you can get creative and turn your hobby into your job by monetizing your videos and viewing numbers.

You need no audience at all, and if you do have an audience already it doesn't matter how small it is as long as they're interested in what they're watching (and not just clicking “skip ad”). The fact is that anyone with a large enough following can earn quite well from ads alone—the key here being able to reach a large number of people consistently over time. You don't need to get millions of views every week; what matters is consistency over time—the more consistent the better!


If you have a passion for something, there is no better way to share that passion with others than through YouTube. It takes time, dedication and hard work but if done right can lead to success beyond what you imagined.

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